It's A Wonderful Life Character Breakdown

Nov 17, 2021

Dance Factory presents an in-depth character breakdown for the beloved play, It's A Wonderful Life. If you're passionate about performing arts, this guide is designed to help you prepare for auditions and understand the unique roles within the production.

1. George Bailey

George Bailey, the protagonist, is the heart and soul of the play. As the charismatic and kind-hearted everyman, George carries the weight of the story's emotional arc. His character requires a talented actor who can effectively portray a range of emotions, from youthful exuberance to deep despair.


  • Compassionate and selfless
  • Determined and ambitious
  • Frustrated with his limited opportunities

Audition Requirements:

For the auditions, prepare a monologue that showcases your ability to convey George Bailey's complexity. Be sure to demonstrate your range as an actor, effectively embodying both his youthful optimism and moments of intense introspection.

2. Mary Hatch Bailey

Mary Hatch Bailey is George's supportive and loving wife. She plays a significant role in his life, offering unwavering love and encouragement. Mary should be portrayed as a strong-willed character with a charming personality.


  • Devoted and caring
  • Empathetic and understanding
  • Independent and capable

Audition Requirements:

During auditions, showcase your ability to bring Mary's warmth and determination to life. Prepare a monologue that captures her unwavering support for George while highlighting her own strength and resilience.

3. Mr. Potter

Mr. Potter is the antagonist of the play and serves as the embodiment of greed and corruption. Portrayed as a wealthy and influential businessman, he presents a formidable obstacle to George Bailey's aspirations.


  • Cunning and manipulative
  • No regard for others' well-being
  • Power-hungry and opportunistic

Audition Requirements:

Showcase your ability to embody the devious nature of Mr. Potter during auditions. Perfect your portrayal of his manipulative demeanor and focus on conveying his relentless pursuit of power and wealth.

4. Clarence Odbody

Clarence Odbody, an angel seeking his wings, is tasked with guiding George through a life-changing experience. He provides a glimmer of hope in George's most difficult moments and showcases a gentle and compassionate side.


  • Sincere and caring
  • Naive and curious
  • Believes in the power of goodness

Audition Requirements:

During auditions, demonstrate your ability to portray Clarence's endearing personality. Capture his innocence and genuine desire to make a positive impact. Prepare a monologue that showcases your ability to bring his character to life.

5. Other Supporting Characters

In addition to the main characters, there are several supporting roles that contribute to the depth and richness of the play. These characters provide opportunities for actors to showcase their versatility and bring unique personalities to the stage.

Additional Characters:

  • Violet Bick - A flirtatious and vivacious character
  • Uncle Billy Bailey - George's absent-minded yet well-meaning uncle
  • Harry Bailey - George's younger brother, filled with ambition
  • Ernie Bishop - George's loyal and reliable friend
  • Ma Bailey - George's loving and strong-willed mother
  • And many more!

We encourage actors to explore these supporting characters during auditions and showcase their ability to bring unique depth and personality to each role.

Wrapping Up

The character breakdown provided by Dance Factory serves as a comprehensive guide to the iconic play It's A Wonderful Life. Whether you aspire to portray the charismatic and selfless George Bailey or breathe life into any of the multitude of supporting roles, we hope this breakdown will assist you in preparing for auditions and immersing yourself in the world of performing arts.

Remember, this breakdown is just the beginning. Use it as a tool to dive deeper into the characters, their motivations, and the profound impact they have on audiences. We wish you the best of luck in your auditions and look forward to witnessing the magic you bring to the stage!

Fred Malabre
I'm grateful for this thorough character breakdown. It will definitely aid in understanding the play's dynamics.
Nov 16, 2023
Paul Chipelo
The breakdown helps in unraveling the intricacies of each character, allowing actors to delve deeper into their roles.
Nov 10, 2023
Tyrone Harrison
Informative breakdown.
Nov 8, 2023
Anjali Vyas
👏 Great breakdown! 👍
Oct 17, 2023
Yi Chang
The detailed breakdown of each character enriches the understanding of their individual journeys and roles within the play.
Oct 12, 2023
John Bean
I'm thankful for this breakdown, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of each character's journey and significance.
Oct 12, 2023
Don Nichols
I'm grateful for this breakdown, as it provides a comprehensive insight into the psychology of each character.
Oct 1, 2023
Pat Kumar
I'm grateful for this breakdown, as it offers a compelling exploration of each character's persona and journey.
Sep 30, 2023
Todd Youngblood
The depth of detail in this breakdown provides a thorough understanding of the characters' motivations and conflicts.
Sep 29, 2023
Lani Martin
This breakdown is a gem for actors seeking to step into the shoes of these iconic It's A Wonderful Life characters.
Sep 26, 2023
Amy Horn
This breakdown is a gift for anyone passionate about theater. It's like a roadmap for understanding the characters.
Sep 25, 2023
Andrew Newhart
Having a detailed breakdown like this makes the audition process less daunting. Thank you for this resource!
Sep 3, 2023
Ashok Nirsoe
This breakdown is a valuable resource for aspiring actors, providing a clearer understanding of the characters' dynamics.
Jul 22, 2023
Jen Petersen
I appreciate the effort put into explaining each character's role. It's very informative.
Jul 19, 2023
Hava Avraham
This breakdown is an essential resource for actors preparing for auditions. It provides a deep understanding of the characters.
Jul 17, 2023
Sindy Peters
I'm grateful for this breakdown, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the characters' motivations and complexities.
Jul 14, 2023
Jim Brown
This breakdown provides a comprehensive look at the characters, making them more accessible for actors to interpret.
Jul 3, 2023
Charlotte Speer
I'm grateful for this breakdown, as it offers a comprehensive exploration of the characters' personas and motivations.
Jun 24, 2023
Laura Lora
This breakdown offers a comprehensive look at the characters, making them more accessible for actors to interpret.
Jun 19, 2023
Gene Fay
The depth of analysis in this breakdown is really impressive. It allows actors to gain a profound understanding of the characters.
Jun 10, 2023
Lisa Dempsey
The breakdown is an essential resource for actors, offering an insightful examination of the characters.
Jun 4, 2023
Nayara Toscano
The details provided in this breakdown offer a deeper understanding of the characters' complexities. It's very enlightening.
May 20, 2023
Govil Khatri
The breakdown provides a nuanced understanding of the characters, offering valuable insights for actors.
May 12, 2023
Cherika Latham
The breakdown adds a new layer of understanding to the characters, making it easier for actors to connect with them.
Apr 26, 2023
Jeremy Echols
I appreciate the effort put into creating this detailed breakdown. It's a valuable resource for actors.
Apr 7, 2023
This breakdown is a wonderful resource for actors, offering a deeper insight into the complexities of each character.
Mar 14, 2023
Eric Kaplan
Kudos for providing such a comprehensive breakdown of the characters in It's A Wonderful Life. It's truly enlightening!
Mar 3, 2023
Bobby Brown
I love how detailed this breakdown is. It's really helpful for aspiring actors.
Feb 28, 2023
Sandy Shular
The detailed explanation of each character's traits is incredibly insightful. It's a valuable resource for actors.
Feb 26, 2023
Eric Cutcher
I appreciate the insights provided in this breakdown. It captures the essence of each character brilliantly.
Feb 18, 2023
Diann Jackson
I'm grateful for this breakdown, as it offers a compelling exploration of each character's persona and journey.
Jan 31, 2023
Risha Marisha
The breakdown beautifully articulates the essence of each character, making it easier for actors to embody them.
Jan 31, 2023
Adam Borowski
The breakdown is an invaluable resource for actors, offering a nuanced understanding of the characters.
Jan 7, 2023
Rich Aquino
This breakdown is a goldmine of information for anyone preparing for auditions. Thank you for sharing this resource!
Dec 26, 2022
Thalia Iovine
I appreciate the effort put into creating this detailed breakdown. It's a valuable resource for actors.
Nov 19, 2022
Bonita Loyet
I find this breakdown to be incredibly useful for actors wanting to delve deeper into the complexities of the characters.
Nov 7, 2022
Dave Romstedt
The breakdown is incredibly comprehensive and insightful. It's an invaluable resource for theater enthusiasts.
Nov 4, 2022
Tiffany Jenkins
The breakdown provides a fresh perspective on the characters, making them feel more relatable and compelling.
Nov 2, 2022
Jarom Reid
I'm impressed by the level of detail in this breakdown. It's a fantastic resource for anyone interested in auditioning for the play.
Oct 27, 2022
Eric Theriault
This breakdown is a fantastic guide for actors, providing an in-depth understanding of the characters and their motivations.
Oct 19, 2022
Will Edwards
This breakdown is like a treasure trove for actors, providing a thorough understanding of the characters and their complexities.
Sep 26, 2022
Marcos Castellanos
This breakdown is a treasure trove of information for actors aiming to portray these iconic characters.
Sep 21, 2022
Maureen Kohal
This breakdown is a wonderful resource for actors, offering a deeper insight into the complexities of each character.
Sep 18, 2022
This breakdown is a valuable resource for actors, offering a deeper understanding of the characters' motivations.
Sep 15, 2022
Ow Ner
I'm grateful for this breakdown, as it offers a compelling exploration of each character's persona and journey.
Sep 14, 2022
Martin Schuetz
Bravo! This breakdown brings clarity to the complexities of It's A Wonderful Life characters. Well done!
Sep 12, 2022
Lars Bastholm
The breakdown offers a thorough exploration of the characters, offering a deeper understanding for aspiring actors.
Sep 1, 2022
Cheryl Calkins
The breakdown is a vital tool for actors, providing a comprehensive understanding of the characters' intricacies.
Aug 26, 2022
Jane Hilborne
It's great to see a resource like this for It's A Wonderful Life. It's such a timeless production.
Aug 1, 2022
Jean-Yves Ferre
This breakdown illuminates the unique traits of each character, offering a fresh perspective for aspiring actors.
Jul 22, 2022
Raj Iyer
I love how this breakdown sheds light on the distinctive traits of each character. It's truly enriching.
Jul 14, 2022
Amanda Wiler
I find this breakdown incredibly helpful in unpacking the intricacies of each character's personality and journey.
Jul 9, 2022
Dorothy Carlin
The breakdown is like a roadmap for actors, guiding them through the complexities of each character. Well done!
Jun 30, 2022
Diana Luce
Thanks for breaking down the characters and providing insight into the roles.
Jun 13, 2022
Vishnu Meena
The breakdown is an invaluable resource for actors, offering a nuanced understanding of the characters.
May 24, 2022
Fedil Grogan
I find the breakdown to be a valuable tool for actors to understand the intricacies of each character.
May 23, 2022
Ryan Stublaski
The breakdown effectively dissects the characters, offering a deeper understanding for actors stepping into these roles.
May 20, 2022
Chunbai Deng
The breakdown effectively highlights the nuances of each character, providing valuable insights for aspiring actors.
Apr 19, 2022
Jennifer Maimone-Medwick
The breakdown wonderfully captures the essence of each character, making them more tangible for actors to embody.
Apr 7, 2022
Samantha Ready
The depth of detail in this breakdown provides a thorough understanding of the characters' motivations and conflicts.
Mar 31, 2022
I appreciate the effort put into creating this detailed breakdown. It's a valuable resource for actors.
Mar 28, 2022
Nick Daleo
The breakdown adds layers of depth to the characters, making them more compelling for actors to embody.
Mar 25, 2022
Steve Shead
The insights offered in this breakdown are incredibly enriching, making the characters more relatable for actors.
Mar 17, 2022
Karsten Knebel
The thoroughness of this breakdown is truly commendable. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the characters.
Mar 17, 2022
Jesse House
This breakdown is a wonderful aid for actors interested in understanding the psychological depth of the characters.
Mar 13, 2022
Matthew Mack
The depth of detail in this breakdown provides a thorough understanding of the characters' motivations and conflicts.
Mar 5, 2022
Carmine Benevento
The breakdown helps in grasping the depth of each character and their significance in the play. Great job!
Feb 20, 2022
Greg Strand
The breakdown is an invaluable resource for actors, offering a nuanced understanding of the characters.
Feb 16, 2022
Joe Lendrum
This breakdown is perfect for anyone looking to audition for It's A Wonderful Life. Thank you!
Feb 11, 2022
Justin Winkelman
The depth of this breakdown really helps in understanding the multi-faceted nature of the characters. Thank you!
Feb 7, 2022
Alonzo Moses
This breakdown offers a comprehensive analysis of the characters, making it an invaluable resource for actors.
Feb 5, 2022
Aaron Odom
I appreciate the detailed breakdown of each character's role. It's a valuable resource for anyone interested in the play.
Jan 31, 2022
Roynane Lisk
The breakdown is an indispensable tool for actors, providing a detailed understanding of the characters.
Jan 19, 2022
Mary Dasso
As a theater enthusiast, I find these character breakdowns extremely beneficial. Great work!
Jan 16, 2022
Eduardo Santana
The attention to detail in this breakdown is impressive. It really helps in understanding the nuances of each character.
Dec 29, 2021
Mark Pakianathan
This breakdown provides a comprehensive look at the characters, making them more accessible for actors to interpret.
Dec 25, 2021
Patrick Jean
This breakdown is a wonderful resource for actors, offering a deeper insight into the complexities of each character.
Dec 20, 2021
Magda Bennett
I'm impressed by the level of detail in this breakdown. It's an invaluable resource for actors.
Dec 19, 2021
Suzel Mireles
This breakdown provides a comprehensive look at the characters, making them more accessible for actors to interpret.
Dec 19, 2021
Lucas Streich
The breakdown is a vital tool for actors, providing a comprehensive understanding of the characters' intricacies.
Dec 17, 2021
Nick Pritchett
I'm excited to see how this breakdown will help me prepare for auditions. Thank you for sharing!
Dec 16, 2021
Jeffrey Gorman
The breakdown is a vital tool for actors, providing a comprehensive understanding of the characters' intricacies.
Dec 6, 2021
Gary Lefebvre
This breakdown provides valuable insight into the characters. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the play.
Dec 5, 2021
Donna Kelleher
I appreciate the depth of information provided in this breakdown. It's a fantastic resource for actors.
Nov 24, 2021
Matteo Norzi
I'm impressed by the thoroughness of this breakdown. It's a fantastic tool for actors preparing for auditions.
Nov 21, 2021
Kara Reiff
The breakdown is an invaluable resource for actors, offering an insightful interpretation of the characters.
Nov 20, 2021